Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Art Show Contest Results!

The winner is...

...image number three! Receiving the third place ribbon out of four ribbons.

The show was supposed to have three categories of skill: beginner, advanced, and professional. I entered the advanced category, but by the time of the show not enough photography had been submitted to warrant the categories. Everyone was lumped together and I ended up as the only non-professional earning a ribbon. :^)

Congratulations to Elizabeth and SelahV on correctly guessing the winner!


Jackson said...

Congratz! =D Thats awesome that you were the only non-professional to win a ribbon! Its a an amazing photo

selahV said...

Great going! Nice to know others have good taste, too. :)

jeleasure said...

Nice work, Zach!

Elizabeth Pruett said...

Congratulations! In my opinion, yours was the best out of all of them!