Wow, nine days of blogging silence. I apologize for that. At least I have something to show for it...
A web copy version of a large banner graphic which was assembled by me! This my first real project since offering art photo and graphic design services and I am pleased with it. Given that the final printed size of the banner would be 6ft x 2ft, I began the project by finding two very large images of an eagle and an American flag. I found both of them at The images were purchased by my client and when I had received them I went to work. Using Photoshop CS3, I masked out the background of the eagle pic and moved the now backgroundless (new word?) eagle image layer to a new document the size of the finished banner. I then imported the flag image layer, enlarged and rotated. I added a gradient mask to the flag after that and finished with some pixel by pixel cleanup up the whole thing. The banner image also doubled as a business card header for my client. I think he was pleased with the results.
Now one banner can't take up that whole time, so of course I did some other things. Ordinary things like work, church, and play. I hope you all didn't miss me too much (then again I shudder to think of what it might mean if you didn't miss me at all). :D
Nice job!! The banner looks great! I've always thought about trying more complex stuff like this before. You've given me inspiration to try. :)
that banner is beautiful. I think after reading this post that I have a new-found appreciation for the difficulty behind ones I take for granted in our church and in businesses in town.
Yes...I missed you. :) I keep checking back now and then though. Love to peruse your gallery at your other blog. Blessings. selahV
You did a wonderful job! The banner is fantastic!
Thank you all for visiting. I'm afraid my posting schedule will continue to be erratic until I settle my real life down a little.
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