Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Repost: Snowflakes from Heaven

This is a repost from January 12, 2010 and although I don't have any snow around my parts right, this will do.

^ This one can be clicked
for a much larger image
(look for the glitter-like snow)

And now our featured story:
It was 10am as I traveled toward home that Saturday morn.

On the way, I notice what looks like glitter...

falling from the sunny, blue, and nearly cloudless sky.

Stopping at the gas station I notice a few of these glitter pieces...

resting upon my coat.

It is then that I see the tiny most intricate object...

I have ever seen with my unaided eye.

^This pic and a couple others
resisted the embedded copyright.
...ahem... sorry for the interruption.

The final two miles home I was in wonder...

at what I could only describe as bits of heaven floating to earth.

I have since heard stories about these small flakes.

Stories of how they spontaneously formed in mid-air..

or were belched out by the refineries,...

but only I seemed to have seen the details
of God's engraved signature.

More pictures can be found on my gallery. God bless ya'll.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE snowflake photos! These are incredible. It re-inspires me to try my hand at shooting snowflakes! Very well done. (And I got a kick out of your "interruption.") Thanks for sharing!