Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Photographer's Personal Ponderings 9: Communication

Ever find yourself in a situation where you just couldn't seem to communicate? Either the audience, whether they were a massive crowd or a meager one and only, wouldn't listen or didn't understand what you were saying. Perhaps you didn't speak the same language or understood  the same statement in two different ways. Maybe you and audience were actually telling each other identical information using different words. Regardless of the cause, the outcome is at best a misunderstanding, and at worst a relationship destroying quarrel.

Now if it's so hard for us humans to communicate with each other, imagine trying to communicate with beings of another realm, such as angels. How were we supposed to reconcile with God when we couldn't reach Him? We weren't. It was impossible and God knew this, which is why He sent His Son, Jesus the Christ, to open our hearts to His declarations.

So if our hearts are open to Him then all is right and good now, isn't it? Well not quite. We might be able to talk with Him as with a father or brother, but so often we choose not too. We have the opportunity to talk about anything with the creator of the universe, and we opt not. Maybe we just don't think that the Almighty would want to hear about our trivialities. I certainly understand that stance and I think He does too, which is why he tells us to bring everything to Him through prayer and supplication. He knows that we will assume Him to be too busy or important to deal with the little things and so he commands that we tell him everything all the time.

Who knows, perhaps if you talk to the Savior of the world about nothing, you could talk to anyone else about something. Without the quarreling.


Unknown said...

Great thoughts, Zachary. The Gospel never grows old or runs out of applications, does it. What a miracle it is to be able to communicate with God through Christ! Yet so often, as you said, we "opt out." For me, the trouble is forgetting that He's there to talk to. I can't see Him in a physical sense, and therefore I often forget about Him. What a loss! Thanks for encouraging me to work harder to take advantage of this blood-bought privilege.

Elizabeth Pruett said...

Zachary, I relate to so much of this post. Communication is so important, but it can go wrong so easily. It is true; we can bring every concern -- and joy -- to Him, and He cares! I love you!