Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Photographer's Personal Pondering 11: Christmas Commercialization

I found this post at the under-appreciated and nearly daily blogger by the the name of photographingeveryday. She expressed these thoughts about Christmas with the fervor of a sister protecting her brother. How could I do any better?

Day 344: True Meaning of Christmas

Nathaniel's first Christmas soon. When he grows up, I'm going to make sure that he doesn't fall into the whole "Christmas is about getting presents from Santa and having a Christmas tree" thing. Because it's not about that. It's about the birth of Jesus Christ. I was upset when one of the Glee characters said that the center of Christmas was the Christmas tree. WHAAT?! And I was even more upset to the fact that little kids are watching this show and think that Christmas is nothing more than getting gifts and surrounding a tree. Sorry, I know this can be argued, I'm just upset because the true meaning of Christmas is lost. It's true meaning is centered around Christ. Not the freaking Christmas tree nor Santa. This is my faith, and I'm sorry if I have offended you (if you aren't Christian). 

-sigh- It's sad that people get fooled by big corporations and spend spend spend tons of money on presents. Oh don't get me wrong, I love getting presents too and I know it's also about giving. I'm just upset that the meaning is lost and replaced by advertisement of Santa's face and Christmas trees and having to spend too much money which could be spent helping people who need the help (homelessness, poverty, etc etc). More children believe in Santa Claus than Jesus now too. >.< Okay, enough of that. Goodnight.

Posted with permission. All copyrights and redistribution rights are retained by the original poster, photographingeveryday @ Please contact her if you would like to repost this on your own blog or site.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Pruett said...

Thank you for directing us to her post!