Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Photographer's Personal Ponderings 7: Empathy

Empathy - noun
1. the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.

2. the imaginative ascribing to an object, as a natural object or work of art, feelings or attitudes present in oneself: By means of empathy, a great painting becomes a mirror of the self. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010. 

What a strange thing that we humans can empathize. To feel feelings, whether real or perceived, which are not our own. I don't know how many times a movie or video game has drove me to certain emotions even though none of the characters are real. So empathy can be manipulated, but without it at all the world would be a dismal place.

God gave us empathy, but why? I think it is a shadow of Him, a manufacturer's mark if you will. Empathy plays a huge role in love. Without it we wouldn't have any way of comprehending another's emotion. Most of the best social qualities rely on perception and empathy. Relationships are God's highest priority (especially our relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ) and without empathy most would be strictly business.


Elizabeth Pruett said...

Our relationship with Jesus is of the utmost importance; it is a mark of God's image in us that we can empathize with each other. It was God's love for us that caused Him to send His Son Jesus to us to take the punishment we deserved onto Himself. Good thoughts, Zachary. I love you!

selahV said...

Thought provoking word, my friend.

Empathy climbs inside another's soul and heart and cares when no one else seems to understand. Empathy does not always understand the complexity of another's feelings, but it tries nevertheless, because empathy wants to share another's pain, shoulder another's burden, and lift another up when they are having a bad hair day, experiencing the blahs, or suffering the loss of a loved one.
Empathy goes where others will not and takes the risk that others cannot to soothe a weary heart. selahV

Unknown said...

Well said, Zachary. I must confess that empathy is not something I excel at. And you're right: the result is that life is mostly business. In a sense that's just who I am, and yet at the same time, it evidences selfishness within me. I need to be willing to look at things from another point of view, to think how others feel about something, to make their feelings my own. "Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others" (Philippians 2:4). Thank you for challenging me to greater empathy!