Particularly, I'm thinking of perfectionism and its seemingly benign way of tearing our fellow man down. I like to call perfectionism, rightism. The word perfectionism almost sounds good if you don't know what it means and how it is used. In fact, truly striving for perfection is good, but selectively requiring it of someone else isn't. So I call perfectionism, rightism because I think rightism correctly describes the attitude of "I'm right and you're doing it wrong." I know I unleash rightism on those around me all too often. I require more of others than I do of my self and end up hurting them in the process.
It all stems from my feeling of inferiority or my desire of obvious superiority. Both of those ailments can be treated by God through prayer and the listening of His word. I just read in my Bible today that, "[Wisdom] will mock when your terror comes, because [wisdom has] called and you refused [wisdom] (Proverbs 1:24, 26)." So, I say, don't refuse wisdom's call either directly or indirectly by being "stupid-busy." Now you need to work on that... I mean... I'm going to work on that. ;^)
Nice thoughts, Zach.
I have a few ideas. We should strive to be holy because God has said, be holy as 'I Am Holy'. I think of holiness as a consistent effort to live according to God's standard.
My second thought is about your photography. I often run into trouble finding a picture to represent what it is I am posting on. As you know, my articles are usually opinion editorials on The money I make doing this is little, it is designated to belong to a charitable organization, next Christmas. But, what it is I would like to invite you to do, is to extend your photography to my page in Examiner. There isn't any money in it. However, every picture will remain credited to you.
I can host your blog address in the side bar. Who knows what will come of that?
I usually am unable to remember to visit a blog unless I have your link in my side bar. Or, if I get a visit from you, I generally make a concerted effort to return the visit. So, I am going to post your link in my side bar. And, I will look for visits in the future. If you decide you would like to have your photos used on my page, let me know. I will then begin telling you what it is I'm looking for. Then, you will either post it on your blog, or email it.
Jim-Richmond Evangelical Examiner
Thanks for the comment. I agree with your first thought. The pursuit of holiness isn't just a good idea, but a command.
I emailed you about your intriguing second thought. :)
God bless,
Nice thoughts, Zachary. I know I have some perfectionist tendencies too, but I try to, "Let loose and let God." I am a work in progress, but at least this way, I know I need God's help daily!
I always motivated by you, your opinion and way of thinking, again, appreciate for this nice post.
- Joe
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