Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Five-thousand two-hundred twenty eight United States Dollars. That is the final student loan total that I owe various banks after four semesters of college. I have to start making payments 6 months after graduation and since I graduated in December that will be about June. I don't look forward to paying out such a large sum of money, but I do look forward to not having "the loan" hanging over my head. So, praise be to God because He has provided to funds to pay it. When those loans come due, they will be paid in full!

God Bless! :^)

1 comment:

Elizabeth Pruett said...

First off, cool photo. Second, it is wonderful that God is your provider. He has given you His wisdom in financial matters. Won't it be nice to see that debt go "bye-bye?" You have a good head on your shoulders!