Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I made it back...

No, I didn't go anywhere, but life sure did come at me fast. Life is still moving fast, but I seem to have found time to post anyway. One of the reasons for my silence was my downloading of a new program. The program is called Bsecure and it is an internet filter/limiter. I heard about it on the radio and thought it would be a good idea to have since I don't want to even stumble upon the despicable stuff that floats around the internet. Bsecure seems like a good product, but because of some unique computer architecture it completely disabled my ability to connect to the internet! After a few days of fiddling (the rest of life limited me to just a few minutes of fiddling at a time) I finally contacted tech support. I shot them an email and to my surprise they called me on the phone just an half-hour later. The very nice tech had me up and running in about 5 minutes and even walked me through how to make Bsecure and my anti-virus play nice.

Well toodle-oo to ya'll, I might be back later. ;^)